The department excels in teaching, research, and service that advance the economic strength of the region, state, nation, and beyond. Our faculty members conduct nationally recognized teaching and research in key areas of computer science. Our graduates bring technical, ethical, and life-long learning skills to the computer science profession.


1) To produce highly qualified and motivated graduates through a rigorous curriculum of theory and application that develops the ability to solve problems, individually and in teams.

2) Creating knowledge of fundamental principles and innovative technologies through research within the core areas of computer science and also in inter-disciplinary topics.

3) Serving the communities to which we belong at local and national levels, combined with a deep awareness of our ethical responsibilities to our profession and to society.

 Sr.No Programme levelName of the programme/ Course Duration Entry qualification Medium of InstructionSanctioned/ Approved student strength
1UGB.SC –MPCS4 yearsIntermediateEnglish40
2UGB.COM –COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 4 yearsIntermediateEnglish40