FUNCTIONS:(NOTE: All the class representatives of the classes are the members of students council. Hence the committee deals the issues/with the constituted council only. Any Grievance to be filed and redressal to be suggested with the committee concerned.)

ACADEMIC:The council shall suggest from time to time ideas to improve the academic atmosphere of the Institute. For this purpose, it will organize debates, quiz, essay competitions, poem writing extempore presentation, and other extra-curricular activities at the Faculty and Institute level. Any grievance from students side regarding academic matters may also be considered by the Council for its amicable solution.

SPORTS:The council may suggest the facilities to be provided to the students to improve sports and games activities. The council shall motivate the students to participate in different sports activities. Any grievance from students pertaining to sports and games may also be looked into by the council for its timely redressal.

CULTURAL ACTIVITIES:The council shall help in organizing cultural activities at the Faculty as well as University level. The council shall motivate the students to participate in different cultural activities.

HOSTEL DEVELOPMENT:With a view to providing family atmosphere, the council shall prepare proposals for improvement of the basic facilities and plans for improvement in living conditions in the hostels.

STUDENTS WELFARE:The council shall suggest ways and means for providing financial assistance, special library facilities and hostel accommodation to the needy students.

HEALTH & HYGIENE:The council shall take care of the medical facilities and address to the grievances for betterment of the health and hygiene conditions of the students.

LAW AND DISCIPLINE:The council shall take steps to maintain discipline among the students. It shall consider and attempt to resolve the grievances of the students.

SOCIAL ACTIVITIES:The council may suggest from time to time ways and means to promote various social activities by the students in and around the campus such as literacy, cleanliness, helath & hygiene and other such activities, which may be deemed appropriate.