To promote human values as well as ethical values among the students and ultimately to sensitize them on values and need to adapt them in their lives, Prakasam degree college.

About Value Education Cell (VEC):

  1. The Value Based Education has been incorporated as a part of the curriculum to all the degree first year students in view of the present scenario.
  2. Today in the present fast paced competitive world the youth are subjected to stress.
  3. This leaves very less for the ward to spend quality time with the family and understand the values and Ethics present in the family which are coming through Generations.
  4. This results in chaos of the present generation.
  5. Realising this problem, and that there is due need to inculcate values to the youth at the age where there can understand and absorb the importance of Human Values, The board of Collegiate Education as introduced the same as part of curriculum.
  6. The Topics in the syllabus have been selected after a thorough discussion with subject experts.
  7. The Syllabus has been designed to be meaningful and the useful to the present generation.


  • Value Education develops life Goals and Personal Qualities which are very essential for all kinds of individuals in the society.
  • Value Education helps the individuals to examine and explore into their own inner self and enclose what is inherent in all of them as something Universal,Original and all fulfilling for them as well as others.
  • Motto: Value Education can improve the moral standards of the Human behaviour in the society which thereby leads to the welfare of Humanity.

Activities of VEC :

  • Apart from teaching the various activities conducted include.
  • Moral storytelling and writing.
  • Sharing real life valued based experiences.
  • Handling situation of Ethical Dilemma.
  • Role play of good stories in Epics etc.